🧠 A Stick-Shift Teaching Service
The Top Selling Cars in America and a Stock Market Millionaire turned High School Math Teacher
1. Business idea of the Week: Stick-Shift Teaching Service.
Recently I started looking at old Jeep Wranglers.
They’re awesome cars and seem to hold their value forever, but most of the older models are manual transmission.
And that’s where I hit a roadblock.
I don’t know how to drive a stick shift car.
So i went to google and searched “Learn Stick-shift Driving near Me”.
And here’s what I found…
A Facebook page from some guy that teaches stick shift driving in the North Carolina area.
And his last post is from 2016…
So now that we know what the competition looks like, let’s talk about the idea.
The idea: Teach people to drive a stick shift.
I know… it’s a super simple idea, and sounds similar to a drivers ed school. But the is a high-margin business you can easily start as a side hustle.
All you need to get started is a manual transmission car and a website.
Or better yet, find someone that already has a manual transmission car and pay them to be the teacher.
How to build this: For this idea, we can source our teacher and students directly from craigslist.
Put up a help wanted post to find a teacher with a manual transmission car, and put up a post for your stick-shift teaching service.
Aka: Mr. Middleman
Once you have your first few customers, you can start building out your website to capture more leads.
Register a “Google my business” to start getting local leads from Google.
And start writing blog posts about “Your area” + “Learn how to drive stick shift”, to start driving SEO traffic to your site.
But what about insurance and a business license?
This is probably a good question, but let’s not let it ruin the idea. Once you get your first few customers and actually prove that there is demand for this service in your area, you will likely need to look into setting up an actual business with a license and insurance. But lets not get too ahead of ourselves here.
Things a like about this business:
Start out as a side hustle until you’ve established demand
Outsource the “teaching” service from day 1.
Low competition, or outdated competition (depending on the area).
2. The Top Selling Cars in America
Lets take a look at the top selling car models in the US.
Two things I find interesting here.
The top 3 selling cars in America are all pickup trucks.
The top 10 cars have negative YoY sales. This means that by this time last year, more cars were sold than this year.
This seems to be an indicator of the overall economy.
3. From Stock Market Millionaire to High School Math Teacher
This is a movie-worthy story about a guy you’ve probably never heard of.
His name is Will Frazer and he’s an ex bond trader turned high school math teacher.
It all began when Will graduated from the University of Florida in 1980, and moved up to New York City to pursue a career on Wall Street.
Will quickly found success as a bond trader, but wasn’t impressed with the future he saw in the career.
Late night drinking, chain-smoking bosses, and poor family relationships is what Will saw from his superiors.
So at the ripe age of 28, Will pocketed a few million dollars from his time on Wall Street and decided it was time for retirement.
He bought a Ferrari and drove it back to his hometown of Gainesville, FL, where he planned to play golf and enjoy retirement.
But after a few months of the same thing everyday, Will got bored and decided to pick up a job as a high school math teacher.
During his first year as a math teacher, Will took over the schools math competition team, and got demolished at their first math competition.
Will was furious and made the decision they would not lose a competition like that again.
Fast forward to today, Will’s high school math competition team has won 15 out of the last 17 years they’ve competed.
One alumni from the math team is now a trader a Citadel Securities and another became the youngest partner at Canaan Partners (VC firm).
So how did he do it?
You might think that he’s some sort of math wizard that knows math equations better than anyone. But thats not it.
In fact, Will doesn’t even teach the complicated material. One of his former students does.
Will credits the success of the team to the competitive culture he’s built, as well as the extra hours the team practices. Will offers a 20-hour per week summer math bootcamp, meanwhile other public schools only offer 72 hours with a teacher during an entire semester.
Thats like packing 2 or 3 semesters into 1 for these math team members.
The success of Will’s team has caught attention from Senators and other math competition teams, who hope to replicate some of Will’s strategies.
@Netflix , when can we expect the documentary?
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